International Student Program

Underdale High School is nestled in spacious grounds adjoining the river parklands, just 5km west of the Adelaide city centre, 2km from the airport and 10km from the sea and some of Adelaide’s best sandy white beaches. The school provides a student-centred learning experience for Years 7-12, attracting students from diverse cultural backgrounds. High expectations and standards of work quality, punctuality and attendance ensure that students learn to become responsible in their learning and behaviour. Quality differentiated teaching and a targeted support program ensures all students benefit from educational challenges that meet their learning needs. Student wellbeing is a priority for all staff.

Our International Students are valued members of our school community, offering diversity in the curriculum, community, and culture of the school. They are supported by members of the Leadership Team, the International Student Program Officer, Wellbeing Leaders and Home Group Teacher and our teaching staff.

Apply through International Education Services

International programs

Intensive Secondary English course (ISEC)

The ISEC program is a one semester program designed to increase English skills proficiency while gaining knowledge and understanding of the Underdale High School curriculum and Australian lifestyle and culture. This enables a smooth and successful entry into mainstream classes. It is a small class of 10 – 14 students who are supported by a core group of specialist teachers.

High School Graduate Program

Students first do a semester of the ISEC program (described above) and then enter mainstream classes with local students.

Following ISEC, the successful completion of year level subjects enables students to gain their South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE).

High School Study Abroad Program (short term visits)

International students may choose to stay for a short experience studying at Underdale High School. The school year is divided into four school terms so choosing to join for one or more of the four terms is recommended.

Study Tours
A short stay study tour is a group of students and their accompanying teachers wishing to experience the English language, lifestyle, and landscapes of South Australia.

Students are hosted by homestay families’ chosen by Underdale High School and take part in English classes as well as cultural excursions and experiences.

Hosting entails creating a warm and nurturing environment by providing a bed, meals, assistance to and from school, and, most importantly, a welcoming attitude. You will be provided with financial support of $340 a week per student.

To help you along the way, International Education Services and our own International Education Team offers ongoing support to all homestay families, including a 24-hour emergency phone service.

Hosting a student from another country offers a wonderful opportunity to learn about their culture and share ours with them.

If you have a spare bed or two and are enthusiastic about this remarkable opportunity, we invite you to reach out to us at or complete the Homestay Registration of Interest Form – Register for Study Tour

International Education Services:

Special Interest Subjects

Underdale High School offers a range of Special Interest programs and initiatives for students including:

  1. The Underdale High School Football (Soccer) program
  2. The Underdale High School Automotive (mechanics) program
  3. STEM (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics)
    * Additional costs may apply for special interest subjects. Price on application

From years 7-10, Students have the option of studying Greek or Japanese.
From years 10 -12, students may also study other languages organised by the school with the South Australian School of Languages. (fees apply)

* There are no additional costs for studying a language at Underdale High School.


  • Performing arts suits (music, drama and dance)
  • Resource centre with large collection of English resources
  • Automotive trade training centre
  • Sporting facilities – gymnasium, tennis courts, oval, soccer pitches, weights room, basketball and netball courts
  • Senior school study centre
  • Lamination lab

International student support services

  1. Intensive literacy
  2. English as an Additional Language  (EAL)
  3. Wellbeing support
  4. Study Support (no additional charge)
  5. Homework club (no additional charge)
  6. Small group tutoring (price on application)
  7. Personal International Student Program Manager
  8. International Student Program team (IES)
  9. Bilingual support officers
  10. Student buddy system
  11. Translators (when required)

Activities and Fun

In addition to normal school excursions, all international students will have the opportunity to participate in excursions once a term to such places as:

  1. Cleland Wildlife Park 
  2. Adelaide City Tour
  3. Surf Education
  4. International Student Lunches.
    * These excursions do not incur any additional costs to students.
  5. South Australian Government Schools can help you enrol to study abroad at our school.

All Underdale High School students require the following uniforms.

  1. A summer uniform
  2. Winter uniform
  3. Physical Education uniform                     

For full details of our Uniform see the Uniform section of our website.* Underdale High School also has a second hand uniform shop where students can purchase near new uniforms at discounted rates. Prices upon application.

ICT requirements
All Students are required to have their own laptop. Please visit the Student Laptop Requirements section of our website for a list of appropriate devices.

Further information 

  • For information regarding the curriculum offered at Underdale High school click here 
  • or information regarding the school uniform at Underdale High School click here 
  • Information about being an International Student in South Australia can be found here 

Enrolment enquiries

International Education Services | Department for Education

PO BOX 1152, Adelaide SA 5001| GFW 31 Flinders Street, Adelaide SA 5000

Telephone: +618 8226 3402 | Email:


Underdale High School International contact:

Department for Education T/A South Australian Government Schools                         CRICOS Provider Number 00018A
Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Legislative Framework

South Australian Government Schools can help you enrol to study abroad at our school.